Fee-Only Financial Advisors in Scottsdale

ARQ Wealth Advisors

You Need a Financial Advisor Focused on Your Needs, Not Theirs

ARQ Wealth Advisors: Your Trusted Scottsdale Financial Advisors

ARQ Wealth Advisors is a nationally recognized wealth management firm serving high-net-worth individuals in Scottsdale and nationwide. We specialize in providing retirement planning, investment planning, tax planning, asset management, and comprehensive wealth planning services.

Our mission is to empower our clients to achieve their financial goals through prudent, customized wealth management strategies that prioritize their long-term success.

Avg. Advisor's Experience
0 + Years
Assets Under Management
$ 0 mm +
Average Client to Advisor Ratio
0 :1

*Statistics as of 07/15/2024

ARQ Team April 2024

Experienced Financial Planners, Focused on You

Unlike larger financial institutions, our team of fee-only financial advisors is focused solely on your financial goals, not our bottom line. This commitment is reflected in our exceptionally high client retention rate.

With over 100 years of collective experience, our team boasts Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) or Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®) certifications, ensuring you receive expert guidance tailored to your unique financial situation.

Plus, our low client-to-advisor ratio of 50:1 ensures you receive the personalized attention you deserve.


Personalized Wealth Management

Whether you’re approaching retirement, building wealth, navigating life transitions, or simply seeking financial clarity, the ARQ Wealth Advisors team is here for you. Our personalized approach goes beyond just investment advice.

As fiduciary advisors, we are legally bound to act in your best interests. We take the time to understand your goals, risk tolerance, and aspirations, crafting a comprehensive wealth management plan that aligns perfectly with your vision for the future.

Achieve Financial Independence Sooner, Not Later

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The ARQ Wealth Advisors Mission

We are committed to fostering a collaborative environment where every member is dedicated to achieving shared goals with an unwavering focus on ethics, client satisfaction, and excellence in all endeavors. Through effective teamwork, we aim to deliver unparalleled value and results, driven by a relentless commitment to our clients’ success.

Ready to Secure Your Financial Future?

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How We Serve You

As your personal financial advocates, our most important task is to guide you through opportunities and challenges, utilizing our advisory services to make your financial journey easier.

Financial Planning

Making financial and investment decisions without an integrated financial plan is like trying to put the pieces of a puzzle together without looking at the box top— it’s hard to know where the pieces fit if you lack a clear vision.

Utilizing a comprehensive approach, our financial planning services help you crystallize your vision for your future. We enable you to put the pieces of your financial puzzle together so you can make decisions with confidence and clarity of purpose.

To that end, we apply our vast experience, expertise, and resources to each client, developing a comprehensive, fully integrated plan that inspires action and confidence.

Our financial planning process guides you through six steps that are used at the outset of our relationship and each time your plan is reviewed:

  1. Discovery: Clearly define your goals, priorities, and concerns.
  2. Assessment: Review your current circumstances to determine where you are in relation to your goals.
  3. Analyze: Utilizing assumptions based on your risk profile, determine what it will take to achieve your goals.
  4. Identify: Determine the most appropriate financial planning strategies and investment options.
  5. Implement: Select the specific financial solutions and investment options and work with your advisors to fully implement them.
  6. Monitor and measure: Review your plan regularly to reflect changing circumstances and make necessary adjustments to ensure you remain on track. 

Retirement Income Planning

If retirement planning were simply about accumulating capital, it would be fairly straightforward—find your number, save systematically, and target your goal. However, on the other side of the retirement plan equation are your cash flow planning needs and determining how your retirement assets will translate into a desired lifestyle for 30 years or more.

Our retirement income strategies factor in many variables and the compounded risks of longevity, inflation, and taxation to protect your lifestyle while creating lifetime income sufficiency.

We work with you to clearly define your vision of retirement and then combine the best retirement savings vehicles with an appropriate investment strategy that emphasizes safety over risk. And, with our special expertise in taxation, we place a greater emphasis on how to achieve optimal tax diversification of your retirement income to create greater lifetime income sufficiency.

Investment Planning

With neither the time nor the knowledge to navigate the dynamic and complex investment waters, many people have opted out of investing their funds; or worse, they’ve opted in, but they lack the discipline necessary to keep their emotions at bay. In either case, the results can be catastrophic for anyone with ambitions for a secure retirement.

Through our investment management services, we work individually with each client to develop a long-term investment strategy tailored to their specific objectives and risk profile. With an optimally diversified portfolio of investments, our clients achieve the proper tradeoff between risk and return, allowing them to invest with comfort and confidence.

Tax Planning

Tax filing time should be used as an opportunity to assess where you are financially and prepare for the year to come, and—where opportunities exist—pay as little in taxes as is necessary. Having an understanding of the intricacies of the taxation process can save most families a lot of time and money.

ARQ Wealth Advisors have the expertise to help you understand the tax implications of your financial decisions and apply the tax code to take advantage of tax-saving opportunities. This will ensure that you keep as much of your money working for you as possible.

Our retirement income strategies factor in many variables and the compounded risks of longevity, inflation, and taxation to protect your lifestyle while creating lifetime income sufficiency.

We work with you to clearly define your vision of retirement and then combine the best retirement savings vehicles with an appropriate investment strategy that emphasizes safety over risk. And, with our special expertise in taxation, we place a greater emphasis on how to achieve optimal tax diversification of your retirement income to create greater lifetime income sufficiency.

Experience the difference of a customized approach to wealth management

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What Makes ARQ Different from Other Financial Advisors in Scottsdale, AZ

Team-Based Approach

Instead of one single advisor handling your financial and retirement planning, we provide a whole team of experts to help with your unique financial situation. As a fee only financial advisory firm, we are in this together and our main focus is analyzing your unique financial situation and working on a long-term plan to meet your financial goals.

Asking the Right Questions

This is not a one-size-fits-all approach, we tailor your specific financial and retirement plans to fit your unique goals and situation. We start this process with our free consultation to learn more about your financial goals and then understand a comprehensive picture using our Q Form™ Assessment to determine a score for the strength of your financial plan. 

Low Client/Advisor Ratios

We currently maintain an average of 50:1 client to advisor ratio at ARQ Wealth. True, it’s a more expensive way to do business, but we created the firm to maximize your success, not corporate margins. Unlike the larger competitors, we can give all of our clients the time they deserve for their financial planning and investment management. 

What Motivates Us

Each of us left large institutions because we wanted to focus on delivering exceptional experiences for our clients, unencumbered by corporate conflicts. Helping our clients achieve their financial goals is incredibly gratifying for us. Simply put, that is our motivation.

Experienced Professionals

At ARQ, you don’t get a single advisor, you get a team dedicated to your success. With multiple credentials, our team possesses the important credentials: (four CFPs®, one RICP®, and three AIFs®) and more than 15+ years average advisor experience. We’ve got the experience you need: we have implemented more than 3,000 financial plans.

Grading Your Financial Plan

When is the last time that you and your family did a complete review of your investment management and financial planning strategy? At ARQ Wealth, we understand the importance of identifying what financial topics are important to you and how to establish a plan for each respective area. No two financial plans are the same, we take the time to understand your unique situation to determine how we can best help as your trusted Scottsdale fee only financial advisory firm.  

Click the button below to start our Q Form™ Assessment which will identify how prepared you are with your financial plan and if you may need the help of an expert.

Our Financial Advisory Services

Wealth Apex™

For those investors farther along in their professional and retirement planning, ARQ Wealth provides a fee only wealth management and financial planning service. These fee only financial advisory services are offered to individuals, trusts, non-profit organizations, and businesses. Interested in learning more? Click the below link to get started now.

Wealth Builder™

For the investors who are younger and just starting out in their careers and retirement planning, we offer a boutique-style financial planning and investment management service. Although most competitors only offer this to sophisticated and wealthy investors, we know the importance of retirement planning at the early stages of your career. Click the below link to learn more now

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

Let’s discuss your goals and explore how we can help you achieve financial peace of mind. Contact ARQ Wealth Advisors today to schedule a free consultation with our team of Scottsdale financial advisors.

Located in Scottsdale, AZ, ARQ Wealth Advisors is your trusted partner in your financial success.

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Our Clients

ARQ Wealth is proud to serve clients in over 30 states 

ARQ Client map July 2024
*Statistics as of 07/15/2024

Disclaimer: ARQ Wealth Advisors, LLC is a member of the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard. Membership is comprised of a set of principles that underscore an advisor’s fiduciary duty to his or her clients. These standards include sufficient loyalty, due care, and utmost good faith. Specifically, our firm must demonstrate loyalty by: (i) affirming their fiduciary commitment to the client in writing; (ii) declining any sales-related compensation associated with transactions and product sales; (iii) avoiding conflicts of interest whenever possible; and (iv) mitigating unavoidable conflicts. Advisors must also act with due care by maintaining professional designations as applicable, by explaining agreements and disclosures orally and in writing, by establishing a reasonable basis for investment advice, and by following and documenting a prudent due diligence process for rendering investment advice. Our advisors must act in the utmost good faith by declining substantial gifts or entertainment provided by the client while charging, disclosing, and explaining reasonable fees.